Upload From Mobile:
Step 1
Open your Google Drive App on your phone. Download from the App Store if you do not have it.
Step 2
Press the + sign at the bottom right corner
Step 3
Select "Folder"
Step 4
Type in title for folder
Step 5
Click the folder you just created to enter it, and press the + sign at the bottom right corner
Step 6
Step 7
Select the photos you wish to upload.
Step 8
Press the ••• at the top right corner
Step 9
Press "Link Sharing Off" to turn on
Step 10
Press the ••• again and then click on "Copy Link". Email the link to support@jhonjhon.com
Upload From Computer:
Step 1
Sign in to your Google account.
Step 2
Select the grid icon at the top right corner. When the pull down menu appears, select the "Drive" icon.
Step 3
Select the red "New" button on the left, and then select "Folder" to create a new folder.
Step 4
Input title for your new folder. M1 for model 1, M2 for model 2, etc. You will have one folder for each model.
Step 6
Click on the red "New" button, and select "File Upload". Then, select the picture you would like to upload. Please repeat this step for all 15 photos per model.
Step 7
Once all of your pictures are uploaded, select the title of the folder at the top of the screen to drop down the menu. Once the menu appears, select "Get shareable link".
Step 8
The shareable link for the folder will appear. Please copy and paste this link into an email and send the email to support@jhonjhon.com. Our team will then be able to view your case studies.